David Grubin's documentary The Buddha had it's New York premier last night. Sold out, I might add. It's a good thing I grabbed a ticket when I first heard about it several weeks ago; There were little old ladies forming a waiting list several benches long by the time I got there.
And the response to the 25 minutes of animation I helped out on couldn't have been better. The instant the following Q & A session ended, the section of 'Animators' was bombarded with a multitude of audience embers with nothing but words of admiration.

Truth by told, I was a little nervous sitting down to watch the two hour documentary. As someone who has spent a good two months staring at every frame of select scenes, it's hard to take a step back and appreciate the film as a whole. All I can see are the flaws.
But whether it was time (my role in the project wrapped about three months ago), Richard Gere's smooth narration or just plain good fortune, the flaws went unnoticed.

My heartfelt congratulations to Brian, Richard, Christina, Marina, Doug, Fran, Elliot, Larry, Carolyn, Kristin, Kelly and of course, the venerable Ed Smith.
Oh, and Johnny A.
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