Friday, August 7, 2009

Been searching for the dolphins...

Somewhere in between sorting out click tags and trying to figure out how to script three different sets of time-sensitive 'Premiere' messaging (I didn't understand any of that and I don't expect any of you to), I decided to do a random Google Image search for 'Amazon River Dolphins'.

Well, not all that random; we're in the middle of designing a particular web ad that calls for a collection of exotic animals.

Aside from finding some really beautiful images (especially considering the murky waters of the Amazon)...

... I came across this website. Immediately imagining my apartment covered with a menagerie of these delicate paper sculptures, I frantically started downloading PDFs. I was almost afraid someone would suddenly realize they could make money off of these things and stop the 'FREE DOWNLOADS'.

Unfortunately, I always loose in the end. Each image seems to be password protected and with no mention of said encryption on the website, I can only hope it's my home computer's copy of Photoshop and that I'll be able to open it tomorrow at work.


Elliot Cowan said...

There is an endangered species of dolphin living in the Yangtze...

Liesje said...

I know! Even more endangered than the boto (though, technically, the boto isn't really endangered... it's a big scam by the environmentalists. I'll explain some other time in greater detail). But the Baiji is in the worst state. It was actually declared extinct in 2006. In 2007, there was a reported sighting but who knows?