Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jeff Scher's Studio

So long ago, I can't remember when I dropped filmmaker Jeff Scher a line, asking for some rotoscoping advice from the expert. To my surprise and delight, I was subsequently invited to stop by his studio in DUMBO for a tour.

I snapped some photos of his setup for reference, with the plan of sharing them here within the week. Then they got lost in the mess that is my personal computer.

Some spring cleaning turned up these.

I dream of the day when I can have a basement studio like this - I'll even take a loft or spare side room! Hopefully our somewhat listless apartment hunting will prove fruitful and serve up a 2BR for just this purpose.

Jeff's setup is ingenious and simple: digital or old fashion, nothing more than a projector mounted to a re-purposed stand or shelf complete with peg-bar, paints and whatever item he might need in the moment.

Some are purely decorative, perhaps inspirational.

And it's not only his setup I envy. It's the location too. Nestled between the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridge, the surrounding area is just as warm and full of life as the artist himself.

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