I seem to recall hating spiders when I was very little. I learned to get over my fear of spiders and most insects because as my parents only daughter, I had to stand up against my three (well, technically two and a half) brothers. And any fear that may have lingered? These Japanese monsters took care of that...
From about late May to early October, about thirty of these things would string webs straight across the walkway from the stairs to my apartment door. And not just these lovelies; there were other brown ones, twice as big in body with shorter legs.
It was basically a 'run-for-your-life' situation when I came home at night. With the walkway lights on, all the spiders would come out in full force and I'd have to double-over and run all the way to my door with keys in hand. Getting hit in the face with one of their threads (and it happened frequently) was like walking into used bits of dental floss.
One time, I watched one of them fight with a bird that had actually got wound up in it's web. The bird got away, thankfully. If it hadn't, I would have packed my bags right then and there.
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