It does have to do with my good friend Stephanie Yuhas' film screening, Show Us Your Shorts, held at the Pour House last night. The size of the crowd below is deceiving, taken well before the screenings actually started. An hour into screening, the place was completely packed.
Honestly, I don't like going to these things. I don't really like straining to hear or be heard especially when I'm trying to hold a conversation with someone I may potentially work with in the future. But, it's a necessary evil. What got me there? The fact that Stephanie is, hands down, one of the most incredible folks that I know and she supports me, so I in turn...

All in all, though, it was a good time. Got to meet some new people, chat with a few people I knew but didn't really feel like I 'knew', and of course, run into some weird folks that will do nothing but add to my collection of "I met this dude once..." stories. And what art gathering would be complete without the typical doodle in the sketchbook?

I've been contemplating sending my cat out to work in one of the local delis.
As far as the films go, it was a mixed bag. Some angst-ridden student films, some surprisingly professional-looking shorts, a fair amount of fun animation and a few shorts where the audience's reaction was more entertaining than what was actually onscreen.
This one involved a dog eating a baby I believe. Best part of the evening?

My outfit.
Seriously. I won a rubber chicken as one of only two folks who actually wore shorts to the event despite the fact that it stated it on the poster.
Does a gross "egg yolk" pop out of the bottom of that chicken when you squeeze it?
Hah! No, but I immediately thought about your studio chicken when I won it. You want it? Maybe it'll help distract the dog from eating all the important wires...
I wanted to go to this event but I just couldn't be arsed in the end...
It's good you didn't. If you had come in shorts I certain I wouldn't have won the Door Prize.
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