One - ran around Manhattan scouting fish markets and taking reference shots. I popped into the Essex Street Market but mostly wondered about Chinatown.
The Essex Street Market is nice and suitable for our needs, but I can't help but feel there's a better, more perfect location out there somewhere.
Chinatown is just scary. Amazing fish, but still scary.
Trust me, I've had some fun times out in Chinatown, poking around shops, getting ice cream and hearing horror stories involving chickens and electronic tic-tac-toe games. The environment, while being really wonderful for a documentary style shoot, would probably just end up as a headache-inducing nightmare for anyone trying to actually set up staged shots. Plus, 3 out of the 4 markets were mean to me.
These guys weren't though!
He let me take all the pictures I wanted and even posed for me! Not really useful, but fun none-the-less.
They even had mackerel, the star of our show. Which brings me to Two - character and some rough armature sketches.

Drew these up Friday, scanned and colored them in Saturday. We're trying to keep the fish semi-realistic without it actually being mistakable for a real fish. The heads will most likely be replacement, with the gills hiding the 'match-line'.

Vegetables with obvious Muppet influences. No eyes, though. Once again, as close to realistic as possible.
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